Descriptions – First Impressions Count!

Therapy Register Profile

How people see you and/or your business can be formed in the first 30 seconds and that is why first impressions count!  It can mean the difference between getting a new customer or being a turnoff. In these digital times your first contact could be via your website, a Facebook page or the description in your Profile on the Therapy … Read More

REVIEWS – Are They Important?

Therapy Register Reviews

They are not only important but absolutely essential ! Reviews are used every day without people even thinking about it – the purchase on Amazon, a Holiday Hotel, the Services that we use and many other ways.  The first thing many people do is check the reviews! We use them to judge products and services and/or influence our decision making … Read More

How Important is my Image?

What Image should I use? There is a saying that “a picture is worth a thousand words”.  There is some truth in that but there are some pictures that do and some that are of no purpose at all!  So how do you go about getting the right one? Studies show that listings that include real people are more persuasive … Read More