Descriptions – First Impressions Count!

Therapy Register Profile

How people see you and/or your business can be formed in the first 30 seconds and that is why first impressions count!  It can mean the difference between getting a new customer or being a turnoff.

In these digital times your first contact could be via your website, a Facebook page or the description in your Profile on the Therapy Register website, so it is important to use the right words to encourage the reader to explore further.

Think about the times when you are looking for something specific.  What description are you most likely to respond to – the one that lists all the possibilities and benefits to you or the one liner such as the Examples below?

Let us look at two examples of descriptions and how they can be improved to become more appealing and more likely to get a response.

Example 1

“I offer dog training.”

Rather short and sweet but does not really tell you anything about the content of the training or benefits to the prospective customer.

Lets change that to:

Puppy Training, Basic Obedience and Behavioural Correction Classes, and if required, Bespoke Training Class Sessions are available and are held at our purpose built training room and fields.

Join your dog for individual or group sessions at times to suit. Whatever the age of your dog its great fun for them to socialise and learn new tricks!

Sessions are taken by A N Other – a fully qualified Dog Trainer with many 5 star reviews. 

Contact us for more Information

Example 2

I am a Counsellor, I am fully qualified and I can provide one to one sessions.  I specialise in Anxiety.  I can help you

In this example there are far too many I’s. The same can be said when you use too many We’s!

Lets change that to:

Learn how to cope with anxiety, fear or panic.  Counselling can help you  understand the causes and symptoms and provide tips and techniques for coping with different situations.  Get the professional help that you need to take back control.

Contact us to see how we can support you.

It can be seen from both the above examples that you take the emphasis away from yourself ( I and We) and put the emphasis on the benefits that the customer can get from you !  So….

  1. When people are searching for goods and services, they want to know what benefit it is to them ie what do they get out of it, and by changing the emphasis you can clearly show that.
  2. Take a look at your Profile description on the Therapy Register website.  Does that reflect what your client is looking for or is it just a sentence to fill a gap!
  3. When people search the registry, your profile will come up with the description underneath so it is important that your opening sentence is strong and that you word your profile description to show the benefits to the searcher.  View all text from their perspective not yours by putting yourself in their place.
  4. Do not start your description with all your qualifications – there is a separate tab for that already. (Available to Premium Members only).  
  5. People search for what they want first then check out the rest like qualifications and reviews so make your description count.

If you have any questions on the above, please feel free to email by using the Support contact form on the website.

Therapy Register SFTR

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